Trump is so STUPID! SO STUPID!


The ugly reason Trump apparently wants an economic crash in 2024

“Trump’s predictions are SPECTACULARLY WRONG!”  (As are his promises.)  “If I can’t have IMMUNITY, then no one can!”

Trump suggests that, if re-elected, he would have Biden indicted

What a ‘CHILDISH’ attitude Trump has!

Donald Trump’s Latest ‘Relentlessly Stupid’ Ramble …

Trump Thinks Magnets Don’t Work When Wet

Trump says WATER DEFEATS MAGNETS!  What s STUPID thing to say!  Even for Trump that is STUPID!  Really, do YOU want someone THIS STUPID running YOUR country?  Really?  


Frederick Douglass is still alive!

Tim Cook’s name is really Tim Apple!

Windmills cause Cancer!

Sweep up the FORESTS to prevent fire!

Mexico will pay for The Wall!  (The Wall Trump failed to build.)

Trump has said so many really STUPID things!  Hundreds, thousands… because Trump is STUPID!  He cannot even PRONOUNCE common words, like The United shates of maric uh.  Yet Trump has the GALL to complain about Biden!  Talk about the BLACK POT calling the kettle!

Judges appear skeptical of Trump’s Jan. 6 presidential immunity claim

What to know about arguments over Donald Trump’s immunity claims

Takeaways from the appeals court hearing on Donald Trump’s immunity claims

Trump lawyer: President can have rival assassinated if Congress is OK with it

Do YOU want to give a DUMBSHIT (like DONALD Trump) a ‘LICENSE TO KILL’?

TRUMP says, “Get OVER it!”

Trump hit hard in Biden’s speech!

Biden, in Valley Forge speech, hits Trump hard as threat to democracy

Video: Trump fires back at Biden in Iowa speech

Maybe Biden’s Speech was RIGHT!

The Jan. 6 attack continues to haunt Trump’s reelectio

Because it was!  Trump is still a THREAT!

Trump on Iowa School Shooting: ‘Get Over It’

YAH!  What the hell?  “Get over it!” says Trump.  Trump doesn’t care!  It’s not like anyone DIED or GOT SHOT!  “GET OVER IT!”  Things that DO MATTER to Trump are like:

The Supreme Court is not ready for Trump Colorado ballot case.

Supreme Court agrees to hear Trump plea to remain on Colorado ballot


Donald Trump’s Bid For ‘Absolute Immunity’ Is His Most Dangerous Argument Yet

THAT’S IMPORTANT STUFF!  Don’t get over that!  So says Trump in so many ways!

TRUMP IS NOT A MAN! (He is a whiny toddler.)

Trump and his TRUMPTURDS are LIARS.  All of them!

Ron Johnson’s memory proves faulty on Clinton, Trump

Here us just one EXAMPLE of THE TRUMPTURD LIARS.  Runny Ronny Johnson the big DICK from Wisconsin!  What a lying asshole, just like Trump!  Are ALL REPUBLICANS LIARS!

Fox News’s Turley: Trump could face ‘terminal sentence’ if DOJ proves even one count

Let TRUMP DIE!  He should meet his MAKER, so he can be sent straight to HELL!  Trump is worse than just a Liar and a MURDERER, end everything in between!  

BY THE WAY …. supposed FORMER attorney TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is STILL SHILLING FOR TRUMP.  TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is SHILLING FOR TRUMP on CNN, MSNBC and any other CABLE TV sites or BLOGs that will have him.  He is NOT a FORMER Trump Lawyer.  He is a CURRENT TRUMP LAWYER!  He is making Trump seem reasonable and palatable to the NORMAL PEOPLE, not the FUCKS AT FOX!   He DID NOT quit the TRUMP Campaign out of Conscience, like most former Republicans have.  TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE quit BY DESIGN, to support TRUMP in a different venue.  DO NOT BE FOOLED!  DO NOT TURN INTO A TRUMP FOOL!

TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is a FAKE!  TOTAL FAKE.  Like TRUMP IS A FAKE!  Like ALL TRUMPTURDS are FAKES and/or FOOLS!  (Also TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is another WAP!  Trump loves WAPs, “Yah!  Dat’s right! Ya See!”  Anything that makes Trump look like MAFIA is fine with Trump.  The problem is that TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is FAKE MAFIA too.  TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is ALL FAKE!)

TRUMP is USING PARLATORE, just like he is USING THIS INDICTMENT to MAKE MORE MONEY!  TIMOTHY C. PARLATORE is USING MSNBC, CNN and anyone else who will have him, to SUPPORT Donald Trump.  TRUMP WANTS THE MONEY HONEY!  Follow the MONEY!  It almost ALL ends up in Trump’s accounts!  DON’T be a TRUMP FOOL!  Don’t be a Trump TOOL!

TRUMP HAS BEEN INDICTED AGAIN!  37 CHARGES.  He plead not guilty to all of them.  WHY?  He is as GUILTY as SIN!  Why didn’t he just plead GUILTY, take the punishment LIKE A MAN, and be done with it.  Trump can’t do anything LIKE A MAN, because he is NOT a man.  TRUMP IS A WHINY TODDLER!


Waltine Nauta is SCUM!!

Congressman Ron Johnson is SCUM!


ALL Trump supporters are COMPLETE FOOLS and SCUM!!!

TRUMP is a draft DODGER!

Trump accusers!

Vice President Pence testifies before grand jury investigating Trump efforts to overturn election

Trump accuser E. Jean Carroll testifies, ‘He raped me whether I screamed or not!’

How McConnell is trying to front-run Trump ahead of 2024

What does TRUMP do?

Trump dodges question on whether he would sign nationwide abortion ban



Comrades, Communists, Republicunts, Putin & Trump!

Typical!  Trump DEFENDS the COMMUNISTs against the Americans!  Comrade Trump, supports Comrade Putin because BOTH are Communist Comrades!

Trump Defends Putin as Biden Visits War-Torn Ukraine

Typical COMMUNIST COMRADE DONALD J. (for Jackass) TRUMP!  If anyone deserves CAPITAL PUNISHMENT it is these two COMRADES!  (Preferably with the same BULLET!)

Republican SACKS OF SHIT!

House Speaker McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson exclusive access to Jan. 6 riot footage

McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to January 6 Capitol security footage, sources say

Why it matters that Kevin McCarthy gave Jan. 6 tapes to Fox News

Bennie Thompson rips McCarthy for giving Tucker Carlson Jan. 6 footage

“IRRESPONSIBLE” Thy name is ‘Tucker The Fucker’ and ‘Kevin the Kunt’ both are confirmed LYING Rethuglickers and COMMUNIST LOVERS like Trump and his trash!  First it was 40,000 hours, then it was 41,000 hours,  now according to that little fucker Tucker its 44,000 hours!

Tucker Carlson says that he has access to 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 video footage

McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to January 6 Capitol security footage, sources say

Is this like the EARTHQUAKE in Turkey and Syria?  Like the DEATH TOLL there, do the totals keep going UP as each hour passes?  (Or is that fucker Tucker just LYING again, like he has in the past and will in the future?)

Behind scenes, Fox News stars derided Trump camp’s claims of election fraud

A lawsuit reveals how Fox News spreads propaganda and election fraud lies

The ONLY thing ‘for SURE’ is the Kevin is a traitorous MORON and Tucker is a LYING little FUCKER!  And, the TRUMPUBLICAN/Republican Party is ‘America’s PRO-PUTIN PARTY’!  Goddamn COMMUNISTS!

Always REMEMBER the PRO-PUTIN PARTY’s Biglyest LIE!  Even BIGLYER than the LIE that they won.  (They did NOT win shit!). Their BIGLYEST LIE is the one on the sign at the January 6, 2021 INSURRECTION, which read “The Real Invisible Enemy is COMMUNISM”!  They ARE the Enemy, because they are COMMUNISTS!  All of them ARE COMMUNISTS!


Trump IS the Trump Organization, and …

Trump Organization tax fraud trial set for opening arguments

Trump Organization criminal trial opening statements begin Monday

Jury Selection in the Trump Organization Case a Trial of Its Own

Trump and His Organization are ON TRAIL for being a FRAUD!  Meanwhile …

Donald Trump Jr. Mocks Pelosi’s Husband’s Hammer Attack With Meme

Trump Junior MOCKS a real attack Trump Senior caused!  And …

Trump annoyed that his Mar-a-Lago scandal still exists (but it does)

Trump Senior is ANNOYED, because HE BROKE THE LAW!

GOP bracing for Trump indictment soon after Election Day

They better BRACE!  He’s being indicted AGAIN!  And sued AGAIN!  Because he is GUILTY again!

Trump is CHEAP!

Trump DEMANDS a Special Master, then he wants US to pay at least half the cost.  What a CHEAP ASSHOLE!  Especially for a FAKE BILLIONAIRE that he claims he is!

Trump wants to split cost of special master, DOJ wants him to pay

That CHEAP BASTARD TRUMP is already stiffing the GOP!

Republicans to Trump: Pony up more cash in battle for Senate

Trump is, among other BAD THINGS, a CHEAP BASTARD and a FAKE BIILLIONAIRE!  (Unless all his BILLIONS are in RUBLES, and not dollars.  Do the MATH, the conversion rate is on Google.)

MAGA means ‘Making Attorneys Get Attorneys’: Trump lawyers face ethical and legal charges

NO!!!  MAGA means ‘MOTHERFUCKERS AGAINST GOOD AMERICA’ but it can mean ”Making Attorneys Get Attorneys” at their own expense, because Trump isn’t going to PAY any of them.  TRUMP IS SUCH A CHEAP BASTARD and a FAKE BILLIONAIRE!  TRUMP IS A FAKE!

Trump Lawyer Seeks to ‘Lower Temperature’ Over Mar-a-Lago Documents

NO SHIT SHERLOCK!  It was TRUMP who TURNED-UP the HEAT with his FAKE offer to do anything to reduce it.  TRUMP IS A FUCKING FAKE!




Biden v. Trump – 2024? You have got to be kidding!

“You cannot be serious?!” – John McEnroe quote

Americans may get the one presidential race the country doesn’t want in 2024

Joe Biden is TOO OLD and Donald Trump is TOO STUPID (and a traitor).  In fact …

Half of Republicans wouldn’t vote for Trump in primary, poll finds

Trump Loses Support of Half of GOP Voters, Poll Finds

Since Republicans make up LESS THAN HALF of the actual VOTERS in the U.S., then Trump should NEVER get nominated ever again UNLESS HE CHEATS (like he did in 2016).  Trump STOLED the election is 2016.  STOP THAT STEAL!

More Americans are opposed to Joe Biden running for president in 2024 than Trump, poll finds

Well of course!  All the REPUBLICANS are opposed to Biden, plus some of the Democrats.  You’d expect nothing less than LIES and HALF TRUTHS from the FUCKERS at FOX!  The fact is, NOBODY, but the dumbass TrumpTurds wants to vote for Trump ever again. That means over half the Republicans are against Trump.   Even if only a few of them would vote against Trump FOR Biden, then that means Biden wins!  Thus, even OLD JOE BIDEN would beat Trump LIKE A DRUM in 2024!  Trump is DONE.  Kick some DIRT over him because TRUMP IS DEAD!

Hutchinson Testimony Jolts Justice Dept. to Discuss Trump’s Conduct More Openly

Openly?  Discuss Trump’s disgusting FRAUD!  That’s what really needs to be disgustingly discussed!

Elon Musk hits back at Trump and says ex-president should ‘hang up his hat’

Elon should just GO BACK TO SOUTH AFRICA where HE belongs!  Seriously!

p.s.  Ron Johnson is running for Re-Election?  I thought he would have quit.  He’s a MORON!  He is a JOHNSON (A DICK).

Pro-Life is a GODDAMN LIE! Pro-Lifers are GODDAM LIARS! Republicans are KILLERS! Trump is a Murdering Bastard! “Moscow Mitch” McConnell is a Murderous KILLER!

Pro-Life is a LIE!

They don’t care if 


Besides that, Pro-Life is UN-CHRISTIAN!  (Jesus was all about CHOICES, not mandates.) JESUS WAS PRO-CHOICE (and let God figure it out.)

All REPUBLICANS are PRO-DEATH!!!  They want GUNS!!!  GUNS!!! And MORE GUNS!!!


Targets for their GUNS!!!

Trump privately called a Roe v. Wade reversal ‘bad’ for his party

NO!  What was ‘BAD’ for America were the DUMBASSES who put Trump in The White House in the First Place!  THOSE DUMBASSES, along with Russian COLLUSION, ‘MADE AMERICA HATE AGAIN’!

Republicans do not want to feed children, help them, protect them or anything good!  The Republicans only want to SHOOT THEM!  If women die along the way, then TOO FUCKING BAD FOR THEM!  They knew what they were getting into!  (Many of them did NOT when they were RAPED or molested by an INCESTUOUS RELATIVE.  Too fucking bad.  But make sure they have those unwanted kids.  Even if they can’t feed them, cuz the GOPPERS can shoot them.)


Roe v. Wade is gone and THAT is ANTI-CHRISTIAN!

So Trump is not TOTALLY STUPID!  (Nobody else could possibly be as STUPID as he is.)

Trump Privately Called a Roe v. Wade Reversal ‘Bad’ for His Party

Trump’s JUST STUPID ENOUGH to put the judges on the SuckCream Court who made it happen!  What a DUMBASS!  (Men such as Nellie GorSUCK, Breast Kav-A-NAUGH the LIAR and the woman Flamey Cummy-Bare-It.  Biden put Clariece Thomasina on the court when Biden was a Senator.  Clareice married a white-woman named Ginni Lamp, who has been bringing back the darkness all her miserable life.  So who the hell is this Frito, Bean-Head Alito the wanna-be Cheeto?)

Trump takes credit for end of Roe v. Wade after his 3 Supreme Court justice picks vote to void abortion rights

“Moscow Mitch” (The Russian Bitch) McConnell made it happen!  When he REFUSED to even meet with Merrick Garland because President Obama nominated him, but was in such a HUGE RUSSIAN RUSH to get Amy Cummy-Barrett on the court after Ruth Bader-Ginsburg died and Trump nominated her!

Pence calls for national abortion ban as Trump, GOP celebrate end of Roe

REPUBLICAN FUCKS!  (“Moscow Mitch”, his tovarisch Trump, and all Republicans suck!  Maybe Pence should have been hanged, like Trump said.  So should that rabid hamster Randy Paul, who claims to be a Libertarian but is really a Republiturd like all the rest if those shit-headed idiots!)

It is NOT CHRISTIAN to prevent a woman from having an abortion.  (If YOU think it is, then YOU are NOT a Christian, and that is a FACT.)

THE CHRISTIAN THING TO DO is let a woman have a CHOICE and then FACE the consequences of her CHOICE when her time comes to face her creator.

THAT is ‘The Christian Thing To Do’.  That is what JESUS would do!  Jesus would leave it up to the individual, not mandate it by The Court!  

Anything else is a SIN, and SINNERS GO TO HELL!!!  (Just like LIARS like ‘The Donald’, “Moscow Mitch”, Pence and all the other pricks like that Frito – Alito!)

Even Benjamin Franklin wrote about ABORTION (Yes!  That Franklin – the kite & key Franklin), thus making Alito just another LIAR in a long line of Republican LIARS!  (Alito is going to HELL for sure!)

Benjamin Franklin gave instructions on at-home abortions in a … › 2022/05/18 › abortion-ben-frankli…

Read it!  (All the way to the end of this SHORT article.)  Benjamin Franklin, one of the FOUNDERS, supported ABORTION!  (Look up:  “ben franklin wrote about safe abortion” on Google to find more moral support!  The Heritage Foundation article is FULL OF SHIT!  As is The Heritage Foundation.  Republicans care more about GUN RIGHTS than PEOPLE RIGHTS, and that is wrong.)

The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BCE. Many of the methods employed in early cultures were non-surgical. Physical activities such as strenuous labor, climbing, paddling, weightlifting, or diving were a common technique.

History of abortion – Wikipedi

Read it and weep: for that DUMBASS ALITO!  One thousand Five Hundred Fifty years BEFORE the CHRISTIAN ERA is long before The Constitution of the U.S. was even thought of.  Alito is such a DUMB ASS!