Trump made a HAND GESTURE and LIED again!

Trump’s HAND GESTURE in court.

Ex-DOJ Official Stunned By Trump Hand Gesture In Court: ‘Can’t Begin To Fathom’

HAND GESTURE?  What hand gesture?  Did Trump flip someone off?  IN COURT!

Judge Pushes Back Critical Filing Deadline in Trump Documents Case

Trump classified documents trial in Florida postponed indefinitely

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified documents case is delayed indefinitely by judge

Trump documents trial start delayed indefinitely, judge orders

Judge gives Trump a break!  A different judge?  A FRIENDLY judge!  Like a woman judge!  A judge who Trump appointed?  A Republican BITCH like Aileen Cannon!  “JUSTICE DELAYED, IS JUSTICE DENIED!”  Delayed “INDEFINITELY!”  Denied “FOREVER”.  Meanwhile, a REAL JUDGE …

The moment a judge threatened Trump with jail, from the trial transcript

because …

Trump’s Gag Order Violations Might Hurt Him More Than He Realizes

I HOPE THEY HURT TRUMP!  Stormy is a witness today, but she is not going to describe Trumps mushroom-like little pee-pee!  AWW!  Just thinking about Trump’s little mushroom-like pee-pee makes me gag!  Why shouldn’t everyone GAG?  Why doesn’t Trump GAG!  GAG the MAGGAtt!

Stormy Daniels testifies about alleged sexual encounter with Trump

Trump LIED about it afterward!

TRUMP is a CREEP, a Commie and a NAZI!

Comrade TRUMP has COMRADES!  COMRADE TRUMP is a NAZI FASCIST COMMUNIST!  Trump echoes Fascists?  TRUMP IS A FASCIST!  Trump is a COMMUNIST too!  NOBODY but a FASCIST talks about being a DICKTATOR!  Trump wants to be a DICKTATOR!  He is already a DICK!  Look at ALL the DICTATORS TODAY!  They are ALL COMMUNISTS!  ALL OF THEM!  Trump WANTS to be ONE OF THEM only BETTER!  That is WHY TRUMP IS A COMMUNIST FASCIST and WANNABE DICTATOR!  Why else would Trump quote HITLER so often!  Trump says the BLOOD OF AMERICANS IS BEING POISONED BY MEXICANS.  TRUMP said he wants to get rid of The Constitution.  Trump wants to get rid of NATO!  Trump said Hitler “DID SOME GOOD THINGS” after he did a lot of bad things!  Trump wants to give Ukraine to The Russians, to PUTIN.  Trump admires PUTIN!  Trump FELL IN LOVE WITH Kim!  Trump invited Orban and Xi to his place at Mar a Lago. Trump told Hannity he wants to be a DICTATOR!   Trump wants Generals like Hitler’s.  (But they tried to KILL Hitler, many times) Trump is Pathological!  Trump is a NARCISSIST!  Trump is a Sociopath!  What was that sign that Trump’s people carried on January 6th, 2021 as they stormed the Capitol Building!  It said “THE REAL INVISIBLE ENEMY IS COMMUNISM!” and they even printed COMMUNISM in red!  Red like the Commies and Republicans.  REDS!  Trump makes MORE NAZI SPEECHES:

Trump “Gestapo” remarks: White House says Trump echoes fascists

Trump is a Commie and NAZI!  Trump’s Kristi Noem is in the Veep Stakes!  Trump’s Veeps are Creeps!

Dog Shooter Kristi Noem Sets Her Sights on Biden’s Commander

Noem addresses feeling ‘threatened’ by Nikki Haley, a controversial dog killing, Trump VP speculation in book

So are other dumbasses and CREEPS, including Democrat Ex-Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich a fellow CRIMINAL and FORMER DEMOCRAT like Trump!

Trump Vice Presidential Hopeful Tim Scott Refuses To Say He Will Accept 2024 Election Results

GOP: Noem up in smoke; Scott, Burgum rise in Trump VP race

Trump’s VP hopefuls make high-profile TV appearances as they audition to join his ticket following weekend fundraiser

And of course there is Marco!  Thirsty Little Marco and Rod, both are rude!

Judge Merchan finds Donald Trump violated gag order for 10th time

Judge finds Trump further violated gag order and again threatens him with jail ‘if necessary’

Even though The MAGAtt is gagged he still talks!  Throw his fat ass in Rikers!  See if THAT will SHUT HIM UP!

The greatest threat to Trump’s trial defense is Trump himself

Trump really needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP!  For his own GOOD!  And ours.

Trump, AGAIN!

Trump is REALLY a WIMP!  Trump “in the end he’s a CHICKEN!!”

Trump Chicken | This is both horrifying and amazing

A second TRUMP TERM?  That would be TERMINAL to America!

A second Trump term would be a surveillance nightmare


The moment Trump defied gravity is coming back to haunt him


Hope Hicks ‘drops a bomb’ during Trump trial: ‘Nail in the coffin moment’

If it’s a “Nail in the Coffin” is Trump a VAMPIRE!

Talk of Escape: Trump’s Possible Return Rattles D.C.

BUT!  Where do WE escape to!  The ordinary American!

Donald Trump Fell Asleep During ‘Critical Portion’ of Testimony: Attorney

Donnie FELL ASLEEP AGAIN!  You know the Old Saying, “You SOOZE.  You LOSE!”  Donald Trump is a LOSER!  And don’t forget, KRISTI NOEM (Governor of South Dakota) SHOT AND KILLED HER PUPPY, and Donald Trump is okay with that because she is still in the running for Trump’s VP running mate!  Would she have KILLED Commander, Biden’s dog!

Kristi Noem Would Have Shot Biden’s Dog Commander, Too

Probably.  After all, it’s a TOUGH DECISION, and she likes to make tough decisions that please Trump!  

That really tells you a lot about today’s Republican Party!

Trump SNOOZES! (and LOSES!)

‘Snoozy TRUMP’ fell asleep again during court!

Donald Trump Fell Asleep During ‘Critical Portion’ of Testimony: Attorney

This is the MOST IMPORTANT TRIAL OF HIS LIFE so far, and Trump is sleeping through it!  Meanwhile “Dopey Hopey” is spilling her guts!

Hope Hicks ‘drops a bomb’ during Trump trial: ‘Nail in the coffin moment’

Trump Hush-Money Trial Key Takeaways: Hope Hicks Takes the Stand

COHEN is coming!

Alvin Bragg’s entire case against Trump hinges on a disbarred serial perjurer

Bragg has apparently LAID THE GROUNDWORK to make Cohen believable!



Jury Hears Tape of Trump and Cohen Discussing Hush-Money Deal

Trump is a VICTIM?

Trump defense portrays Trump as victim, payday opportunity for celebrities


Donald ‘Von ShitzInPantz’ is officially in the hush-money-trial record

Hope ‘THE DOPE’ Hicks (Hicks licks Donald’s dick, when she can find it), testifies (testicles) against Donald Von SHITZINPANTZ  (Trump who is ‘FARTING while SLEEPING’ in court now.)!

Hope Hicks witnessed nearly every Trump scandal. Now she must testify.

Meanwhile, those DUMB COLLEGE KIDS

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating Trump threat

They are STUPID.  The College Kids!  STUPID AS TRUMP, and that is REALLY STUPID!  Pecker-Head STUPID!

By the way, to all the DUMBASS COLLEGE KIDS:  HAMAS is TRADING Israeli and Palestinian bodies for HAMAS LIVES who were PRISONERS!  They deserved to be PRISONERS!

HAMASIANS are just like RUSSIANS, they are all TERRORISTS!

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!

Stupid College Kids!

Trump = Honesty, NOT!

TRUMP would NOT know HONESTY if it bit him on his BIGLY ASS!

Trump says he will only accept 2024 election results ‘if everything’s honest’


Donald Trump’s new 2024 election strategy is smart—and terrifying.

Trump’s trial!  It’s ALL about TERRIFYING and DISHONESTY!  BIG BROTHER anyone?!

Why Judge Merchan set another gag order hearing at Trump’s hush money trial

NY v Trump to resume with gag order hearing after Trump fined $9K, threatened with jail time

Trump trial resumes with testimony from lawyer behind Stormy Daniels hush money payment

GAG the MAGAtt that is Trump!

Trump and Stupid College Kids! They are ALL STUPID! Especially TRUMP!

Is this just another one of TRUMP’S DELAY TACTICS?

Donald Trump’s Law Firm Doesn’t Want to Represent Him Anymore

Law Firm Defending Trump Seeks to Withdraw From a Long-Running Case

Well?  It seems like it is!

Trump alludes to potential violence surrounding 2024 election: ‘Depends on the fairness’

Trump AVOIDED violence of Vietnam,  by DODGING RHE DRAFT, at least TWICE with his phony-baloney BONE SPURS.  Trump has AVOIDED ALL VIOLENCE since then!  Trump causes violence, but he avoids it!  Why?  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT and he is STUPID!

Judge in hush money trial threatens Trump with jail after holding him in contempt for violating gag order

Trump held in contempt, fined for violating gag order in hush money trial

Judge Merchan fines Trump $9,000 for violating gag order in criminal trial

Trump held in contempt for violating gag order in “hush money” trial. Here’s how much he owes.

‘Could lock him up’: Merchan to hold Trump’s second gag order hearing ThursdayVideo

LOCK TRUMP UP!  Lock the DIPSHIT up!  Lock Tump up NOW!!!

By the way, to all the DUMBASS COLLEGE KIDS:  HAMAS is TRADING Israeli and Palestinian bodies for HAMAS LIVES who were PRISONERS!  They deserved to be PRISONERS!

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!

Stupid College Kids!

Trump THE DUMBASS and DUMBASS College Kids!

They give TRUMP too much credit for DECENCY!

‘She’s DOA’: Noem’s dog tale sinks chances of becoming Trump’s VP

Kristi Noem ‘had a shot’ at Trump VP slot before dog-killing boast, sources say

Kristi still could get Trump’s Okey Dokie!  He IS that stupid!

Donald Trump on What His Second Term Would Look Like | TIME

THIS is what a second deal of TRUMP would be like!  Whew!  (Hope we don’t see that!)

‘Surprising’ and ‘disturbing’: Legal experts react to Supreme Court arguments on Trump’s immunity claim

and.  if that wasn’t BAD ENOUGH!  (Really hope Trump is CONVICTED!)

Judge in hush money trial threatens Trump with jail after holding him in contempt for violating gag order

TRUMP SHUTS UP!  Who else needs to SHUT UP?  The DUMBASS COLLEGE KIDS!  That’s who!

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!


Trump DUMB! Grow Up College Kids!

Dumb Donnie meets with Dumb Ronnie.   Trump and DeSantis, now there’s a pair of real numb-nuts!  First Trump LOVED RFK Jr. and HATED DeSantis.  NOW Trump HATES RFK Jr,. and LOVES DeSantis!    What gives?  Is TRUMP just a HACK POLITICIAN?

Trump, DeSantis meet privately for several hours in Miami

Trump Meets DeSantis Seeking to Tap Ex-Rival’s Donor Connections

Trump and DeSantis meet privately in Florida

Come on Ron!  You know that Trump is a TURD.  Trump is a LYING TURD.  (Ronnie should know that by now!) Ronnie you are NEVER going to be a Trump’s VP short list, unless Trump needs someone to KILL!  AGAIN!  Like Pence.  But, Trump has his WOMEN!

Tensions grow between Trump and Lake in Arizona race for Senate

Trump VP contender Kristi Noem defends shooting her dog

What Nikki Haley’s Primary Voters Tell Us About Support for Donald Trump in November 

An ELECTION DENIER, a DOG KILLER and Icky Nikki!  Where did the BLACK GUY GO?  Trump sure can PICK ‘EM.  NOT!  Then there is Trump’s favorite ‘Marjorie “MOSCOW MARJORIE” Taylor Greene’!  Who I call “GangGreene” because she is rotting flesh!  Now she is “Russian Rotting Flesh”!  “Moscow Margie GangGreene!”

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!  

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!

p.s. I am a Catholic, the ULTIMATE CHRISTIAN, not jewish.  I am AGAINST WAR too!  ALL WAR!  All the time.  Just like Jesus!  Trump can’t say that, though he probably will.  Trump is a GODDAMN LIAR!

TRUMP is truly TRASH! (That’s the Truth, Social!)

Trump immunity?  More like TRUMP BUFFOONERY!

Trump immunity fight turns Supreme Court textualists topsy-turvy

Justice Thomas raised crucial question about legitimacy of special counsel’s prosecution of Trump

How Justice Amy Coney Barrett drove the Supreme Court’s debate on abortion and Trump immunity

Trump has a PECKER problem!  (Trump’s is SMALL, like his hands, and shaped like a MUSHROOM!  But that is a small problem!  Trump has a much BIGLYER PECKER PROBLEM!)

David Pecker testimony at Trump trial reveals the seedy underbelly of his tabloid journalism

Pecker Is Defiant at Trump Trial as Lawyers Try to Shake His Confidence

Trump’s WAR is …

What Trump’s war on the ‘Deep State’ could mean: ‘An army of suck-ups’

an Army of SUCK-UPS!

Trump rails against RFK Jr., calling him a ‘wasted protest vote’

RFK Jr. challenges Trump to debate after ‘Democrat plant’ accusation

WAIT!  Trump WAS pro-RFK Jr., now he’s against him?  What is Trump!?

CNN Poll: Trump maintains lead over Biden in 2024 matchup as views on their presidencies diverge

Trump’s Trial Could Bring a Rarity: Consequences for His Words

The POLLS are polls.  They have been wrong before, and they will be again.  How can ANYONE with a BRAIN vote for Trump?  That’s right!  MAGAs don’t have any brains!  They are as stupid as Trump!