Trump is SUB-HUMAN!

What a SUB-HUMAN Trump IS!

ABC: Trump allegedly discussed sensitive nuclear submarine information with a Mar-a-Lago member

Trump Said to Have Revealed Nuclear Submarine Secrets to Australian Businessman

Donald Trump allegedly shared potentially sensitive information about US subs with Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt

Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources

What a SUB-SHIT Trump is!

Trump says he’ll travel to D.C. next week, take House speaker job if GOP deadlocks

Trump endorses Jim Jordan for House speaker after Kevin McCarthy ouster

The GOP is full of GOnadnumbskuls.  Don’t make Trump or anyone Trump endorses ‘The Speaker’!  Trump is NUTS!  GONAD NUTS!  GOPnad Nuts!

Appeals court declines to pause Trump’s fraud trial, but halts cancellation of business licenses

Trump’s New York civil fraud trial rolls on after an appeals judge declines to halt it

Ex-Trump Org. executive testifies that Eric Trump led him to inflate values of some properties

Pause Trump’s licenses.  BULLSHIT!  Trial keeps going on.  GOOD!  Eric overvalued properties?  REALLY!  Or is DON throwing his number 2 son under the bus!

Judge pauses litigation in classified docs case while mulling Trump’s request for extension

EXPECT DELAYS!  Delays from Trump, by Trump and FOR Trump!  Justice DELAYED is Justice DENIED!

McCarthy on Trump’s role in Speaker race: ‘Only members vote’

Doesn’t sound like much of an endorsement from Kevvie to Donnie, does it?

Trump TRUMPS-IT-UP Again!

Donald Trump SCREWS-UP again, in reverse! The FAT-ASS Mayor of East Palestine is the one standing next to the FAT-ASS Trump!

Trump’s visit to Ohio derailment gives Biden’s team some breathing room

The BITCH FOREPERSON who VOLUNTEERED to be in charge of the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury and claimed her “coolest moment” was shaking Rudy Giuliani’s hand has SCREWED UP the Grand Jury and the lawyer!

Georgia juror unsettles Trump investigation with revealing interviews

Was she a PLANT by Trump?  She sure acted like one!  Emily Kohrs was at least an idiot if not a TrumpTurd!

The KushTrumps are on the HOOK again?

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner subpoenaed by special counsel: Sources

The KushTrumps are subpoenaed by Jack Smith!

Mike Pence breaks with Trump on Medicare and Social Security

OH Mike!  Will HE ever learn?


MY MIND IS MADE UP!  Don’t try to confuse me with the facts.

That seems to be the overwhelming attitude of Trumpublicans and people who still call themselves Republicans.  They are all simply DUMBASS RethugLiKKKers!

First it was The Secret Service.  Then it also included the BIG SHITS at Homeland Security.  NOW it includes The Pentagon!!!

First on CNN: Jan. 6 text messages wiped from phones of key Trump Pentagon officials

DOD ‘wiped’ phones of Trump-era leaders, erasing Jan. 6 texts

Jan. 6 texts of Trump Defense officials wiped clean by Pentagon, court filing shows

Who is NEXT?  Anyone who supported and still supports Donald “The Dumbass” Trump, that’s who!

Trump is a LIAR!

THOUSANDS OF LIES just in the four years Trump was America’s First Communist President!  THIRTY THOUSAND LIES.

Trump was LYING way before that.

Trump Faces Questions About His Net Worth in Interview He Tried to Avoid

Trump is still LYING!

Fact check: There were shortages when Trump was president Fact check article ·


“He’s for China, I’m for the US, but other than that, we love each other,” the 45th president said of Xi during the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

However, just months later, Trump’s attitude had shifted. He pointed the finger China over the spread of COVID-19, famously dubbing the illness as the “China virus.” 

Trump rips Pelosi over trip to Taiwan: ‘Always causing trouble’

Can Trump be TRUTHFUL about anything?  NO!  No Trump cannot.  Truth is NOT defined by him as TRUTH!  It is just another LIE to him.

Just like Trump, their dumbass minds are already made-up.  With MADE-UP facts.  Alternative facts.  LIES!  (They are simply  dumbasses like their leader!). Until they are TOLD to change their minds by THE MINDLESS ONE! (Trump.)

The END of TRUMP and The 1619 Project!

This is THE END!

GOP megadonors turn on Trump after Jan. 6 hearings, set sights on DeSantis, Pence and other 2024 hopefuls

Opinion | The End of Roe, the End of Trump

Hutchinson Testimony Exposes Tensions Between Parallel Jan. 6 Inquiries


Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Supreme Court clears Biden to end Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Biden can end Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ program, supreme court rules


Watch out Joe.  The Supremes have been WRONG before.  (Recently!) Now the lower courts are saying “No!  No!  No!” kinda like the late Amy Winehouse.

I’ll tell you who else is WRONG.  The author of “The 1619 Project” is WRONG.

Does The 1619 Project ever mention the FACT that BLACK AFRICANS raided other BLACK AFRICAN tribes, captured BLACKS, turned them into SLAVES and then sold those BLACK SLAVES to WHITE SHIP CAPTAINS?

Does The 1619 Project ever point out that the first BLACK SLAVES sold in Virginia were actually shipped to Mexico and planned to be sold to the Mexicans before the Pirates got to them?  (They were to be sold to the Mexicans by either the Portuguese or Spanish.)

Does The 1619 Project ever point out that in 1619 Virginia was an ENGLISH COLONY?  (America was NOT The United States of America until after 1776.)

Is the “1619 Project” chock full of LIES and HALF TRUTHS?

It’s not just the WHITE REPUBLICANS who are wrong.  Sometimes it is the BLACK DEMOCRATS who are wrong.  Although, most of the time it is the Republicans, white or black or even orange, or OREOs like Clarice Thomasina!

Always question authority.  Republican or Democrat.  (Except this time The Republicans are clearly wrong!  Very wrong!)

I saw Trymaine Lee on TV and sent this email to him at several email addresses:

One of these guessed email addresses should get to you.

I saw you recently on MSNBC with the “1619 Project” book in the bookshelf behind you.

Let me ask you this:

Does THAT BOOK ever mention the FACT that BLACK AFRICANS raided other BLACK AFRICAN tribes, captured SLAVES and then sold those BLACK SLAVES to WHITE SHIP CAPTAINS?

Does that book ever point out that the first BLACK SLAVES sold in Virginia were actually planned to be sold to the Mexicans?  (By either the Portuguese or Spanish.)

Does that book ever point out that in 1619 Virginia was an ENGLISH COLONY?  (America was NOT America until after 1776.)

Is the “1619 Project” chock full of LIES and HALF TRUTHS!

Just answer these questions for me.

Thank you,

(I have no dog in this hunt.  None.  My ancestors were fighting the Brits in Ireland, much like the Ukrainians are fighting the Russians today.)

THIS is a response I received from Trymaine Lee:

Have you read the book? Did you know that slavery is only a fraction of the contents of the book? And that the bulk is what happened next? And your argument about African participation in the slave trade is akin to saying that a pedophile only purchased a child for sexual purposes, but the really bad guys are the people who sold the child. African kidnappers did not set up a system of chattel slavery that reduced human bondsmen to animals, nor did they write lies about the founding of this country being about equality and freedom when the very authors owned, raped, bought and sold humans, nor did they fight a war to maintain the right to buy, sell and exploit other humans, nor did they then write Black codes and Jim Crow laws that limited full citizenship to Black people, nor did they go on a quest of bloody “redemption” where people slaughtered thousands of Black people for daring to be too free including the bombing of whole towns, nor did they create poll taxes, literacy tests and other shenanigans to keep Black folks disenfranchised, nor did they don white hoods and murder, maraud or lynch for being wanted sexually by a white woman, nor did they bomb churches or brutalize school children who just wanted an education, nor did they draw red lines around neighborhoods to keep their home values low and their bodies bounded by imaginary lines, nor did they… I could go on and on.

Your basic premise is hinting that somehow this book is anti-white, when it’s about systems and structures created by white men to subjugate Black people. The participants matter little when the victim is the same. But you most certainly have not read the book or you’d have a better understanding of its contents.

THIS IS MY REPLY to T.L.  (I replied to him point for point, his points in BOLDED text.)

Have you read the book?

NO, I have not read the book.  Then again I don’t have to touch a HOT STOVE to know that it burns, do I?

Did you know that slavery is only a fraction of the contents of the book? And that the bulk is what happened next? 

What “percentage” of the book is about “slavery”?  You seem to be saying it’s NOT a big portion of THE BOOK, but then later you say IT IS.  Which is it?  What did happen next?  THE CIVIL WAR?  North against South?  The liberation of SLAVES?  The Abolitionists?  Is that not all about SLAVERY?

And your argument about African participation in the slave trade is akin to saying that a pedophile only purchased a child for sexual purposes, but the really bad guys are the people who sold the child. 

That is BULLSHIT and YOU know it too.  YOU can NOT be that obtuse or THAT PREJUDICIAL.  (Maybe you can.  That’s so sad.). I am NOT saying that at all, and YOU know it!

African kidnappers did not set up a system of chattel slavery that reduced human bondsmen to animals, 

THAT is EXACTLY what they did do.  The Black Africans raided and captured other Black Africans and SOLD THEM (as if chattel) to slavers.  They set-up the very essence of CHATTEL SLAVERY!  (Look up “chattel” before you make another stupid comment.)

nor did they write lies about the founding of this country being about equality and freedom when the very authors owned, raped, bought and sold humans, nor did they fight a war to maintain the right to buy, sell and exploit other humans, 

In OUR DAY that is wrong.  In THEIR DAY that was normal.  One cannot judge the past by current standards, can one?  Can we say today that NO ONE SHOULD HAVE EVER DIED OF CANCER, when the cure for CANCER is still many years from now?  Slavery goes back beyond recorded time.  Look at Egypt.  Look at Babylon.  Look before recorded history!  Slavery has always existed, and it still exists today, as much as we both disdain it.  Look at China today!

nor did they then write Black codes and Jim Crow laws that limited full citizenship to Black people, nor did they go on a quest of bloody “redemption” where people slaughtered thousands of Black people for daring to be too free including the bombing of whole towns, nor did they create poll taxes, literacy tests and other shenanigans to keep Black folks disenfranchised, nor did they don white hoods and murder, maraud or lynch for being wanted sexually by a white woman, nor did they bomb churches or brutalize school children who just wanted an education, nor did they draw red lines around neighborhoods to keep their home values low and their bodies bounded by imaginary lines, nor did they… I could go on and on.

You could go ON and ON and ON, but you would be going ON about the Deep South and parts of Oregon, but most certainly NOT about all places in this country.  Some of it may have occurred in other parts of this nation, but it was divided up between blacks and non-blacks alike.

Your basic premise is hinting that somehow this book is anti-white, 

My basic “premise” is not that this book or philosophy is “anti-white”.  My premise is that it is ANTI-TRUTH.  It should be featured on Truth Social, because it is as ANTI-TRUTH as that piece of crap.  Trump lies, that is an established FACT.  The 1619 Project lies, and that is also established FACT.  Which lies most and more often?  Probably Trump.

when it’s about systems and structures created by white men to subjugate Black people. 

If you truly believe all white people hate all black people, then you are simply a racist.  That is what a racist is.  All one race is against all of another race.  That is RACISM.  The 1619 Project aids in racism

The participants matter little when the victim is the same. 

The “participants” are NOT the same, nor are the “victims”.  Barack Hussein Obama was NOT a “victim”.  I was not a “participant”.

But you most certainly have not read the book or you’d have a better understanding of its contents.

No.  You are correct,  I have NOT read the book.  As one who supposedly has read the book, then YOU should be able to answer some very basic and simple questions:

1.  Is there anything in the book about Black Africans selling other Black Africans to White Ship Captains?  Yes or No only, please.

2.  Is there anything in the book about the first ship selling Black Slaves to Virginian colonists as being PIRATES who stole the black slaves from ships bound for Mexico?  Yes or No only, please.

3.  Is there anything in the book about America NOT becoming The United States of America until OVER ONE HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS after 1619?  Yes or No only, please.

4.  Is there anything in the book about WHITE MEN who fought and died to liberate BLACK PEOPLE during The Civil War?  Yes or No only, please.

5.  Is there anything about Abraham Lincoln writing and delivering The Emancipation Proclamation or being killed by a white man?  Yes or No only, please.

Answer those questions HONESTLY please.

Thank you,

p.s.  The phrase “Yes or No only, please.” is based on our current Vice President, a Black/Indian woman.

(I am awaiting his Reply to my Reply.  Suffice it to say ‘The 1619 Project’ is racist B.S.)

Donald Trump IS the cause! (Even his own family says so.)

You remember when Trump complained about the gang MS-13?

That morphed into Trump complaining about ANTIFA!

Well, Trump has his own gangs called “The Proud Boys” and ‘The Oath Keepers”!

He still called out ANTIFA every once in a while, even though as a GROUP ANTIFA does NOT exist.  It is simply an ANTI FASCIST philosophy and thus ANTI TRUMP, but apparently Trump is done with MS-13.  Or maybe, which is more likely, MS-13 is NOW “The Proud Boys’ and/or “The Oath Keepers”.


The irony is rich: Truth Social, Donald Trump’s Twitter copycat claiming it is “free from political discrimination,” has reportedly banned users who posted information from Thursday’s congressional hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol — in which the former president is a key focus.

Trump’s Truth Social Is Banning Users Who Post About Jan. 6 Hearings, According to Reports

The only TRUTH on TRUTH SOCIAL is TRUMP TRUTH which is all lies, or as they like to call them “alternative facts”.  Besides that, Truth SOCIAL is SOCIALISTIC or COMMUNIST because Trump is a COMMUNISM LOVER!  (Socialize THAT!)

Trump is also a FASCIST!

The January 6 hearings showed why it’s reasonable to call Trump a fascist

Trump caused the January 6th 2021 RIOTOUS INSURRECTION!  That is obvious!  (Why isn’t Trump in PRISON?)

“Donald Trump is responsible”: Rep. Adam Kinzinger on first televised Jan. 6 committee hearing


Even members of HIS OWN FAMILY know that Donald J. Trump is a LYING SCUMBAG!

Jared and Ivanka, Without the Power or the Masks

Donald Trump Hits Back at Ivanka Trump’s Account That She Accepted His Election Loss

Trump fires back at Ivanka, Bill Barr over Jan. 6 deposition testimony

Trump claims daughter Ivanka ‘checked out’ and wasn’t looking at election results

What do others have to say about Ivanka’s TRUTH and Donald’s LIES?

‘Disingenuous’: January 6 committee chair responds to Trump’s Ivanka comments

The fact is DONALD TRUMP IS LYING!  Use your COMMON SENSE!  Open your eyes.  Listen to the TRUTH!  See the LIAR!

Donald Trump isn’t sticking to the GOP’s Jan. 6 hearing talking points

Now The GOP is trying to tell Donald what to say and what NOT to say for his own good.  DUMBASS DONALD is NOT LISTENING!  Typical.

Benghazi!  Benghazi!  Benghazi!

Trump is a COWARD!


So says a Republican Representative who voted against certifying the votes for Biden, but now regrets his vote because “Trump was a coward!”

Republican says he regrets voting against certifying 2020 election results

Trump was, is and will always be a COWARD!

Trump rejects anti-vaccine talking point in Candace Owens interview: ‘If you take the vaccine, you’re protected’

Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ endures and poses a threat to US democracy

And, a LIAR!

Trump asks Supreme Court to block release of his White House records to January 6 committee

Trump asks Supreme Court to block National Archives from releasing Jan. 6 records

Trump asks Supreme Court to block House Jan. 6 riot panel from getting White House records

Trump Asks Supreme Court to Block Release of Jan. 6 Records

Trump Appeals to Supreme Court to Block Jan. 6 House Committee Accessing White House Archives on Capitol Riot

Now what is Trump trying to hide!  Isn’t it obvious!  Just like Trump has been hiding his tax records for years!

By the way, 

isn’t it now also as OBVIOUS as to what the Joes are trying to do?

Joe Biden puts up the Build Back Better Bill to The Senate.

Joe Manchin says “No!”

Meanwhile, the Republicans are hoping to win The Senate in 2022 and replace Schumer with McConnell.

The thing is Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans are scared that BBB will never pass, and that the liars of the Republican Senate may take over.

When Democrats take a significant leadership role in The Senate and The House, then Biden will resurrect his BBB Bill.  By then Joe Manchin may vote FOR it because it’s going to pass anyway.  Joe Manchin becomes the same ol’ lame ol’ lame-ass from a Red State that he was before the Dems made him a decision-maker. Kyrsten Sinema goes back to being an obscure anomaly from another Red State (soon to be purple then blue).  

More Democrats in The Senate and The House mean more power for Joe Biden and less for Joe Manchin and his pal Kyrsty.  They will both go back to being obscure.

Democrats will rule the roost and Republicans, under Trump, will essentially dissolve.  In fact, The Republican Party might just cease to exist altogether.  That would be “A GOOD THING!” As a certain Ex-Con might exclaim.

Let’s all hope it turns out just this way.

Trump is an ASSASSIN!

The TRUTH IS that Republican and former President Donald Trump, in his defense of the “Hang Mike Pence!” Crowd of rioters, has endorsed and encouraged the ASSASSINATION of his own Vice President.

The TRUTH IS that Republican Representative Paul Gosar, in his promotion and publication  of the so-called cartoon video, has endorsed the ASSASSINATION of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The TRUTH IS that Republican Representative Paul Gosar, in his promotion and publication  of the so-called cartoon video, has endorsed and promoted the ASSASSINATION of The President of the United States of America.  For which he should be cast out of congress and into prison.

The TRUTH IS the Republican Party under the leadership of former President Donald Trump IS the PARTY OF ASSASSINATION!  It IS the PARTY OF AUTOCRACY!  It IS the PARTY OF COMMUNISM!

Federal grand jury indicts former Trump adviser Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress.

Trump’s riot nightmare? Bannon indicted by feds for stonewalling probe.

Federal grand jury indicts Trump strategist Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress.

So!  Bannon has been indicted.  Let’s see if he really shows up for arrest!

Aaron Rodgers’ possible return, a new Trump interview: 5 things to know this weekend.

I used to like The Packers, but with DICK PIC FAVRE and LIAR RODGERS I am really done with those assholes!

Chris Christie Wants the Post-Trump G.O.P. to Move Past Trump.

Want in One Hand and Shit in the other.  See which fills-up first!

Republicans see Trump weakening as Democratic talking point

Republicans can’t see shit, and Democrats never miss in opportunity to MISS AN OPPORTUNITY!

Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows fails to show for Jan. 6 committee deposition, prompting calls to hold him in contempt.

Just another Trump/Bannon move!

Documents reveal new details of Trump political interference in COVID-19 response

Details?  Who needs details when WE already KNOW Trump is a MURDERER!

Trump claims half of legal scholars support his fraud claims. They don’t.

Trump claims?  Trump LIES!!!  (That’s all Trump knows how to do is LIE!)

Trump and his Rethuglicans are ASSASSINS!  Trump and the TrumpTurds are worse than the worst COMMIES ever were!

This is simply REVERSE WHATABOUTISM (forget about TRUTH and consistency and CHRISTIANITY)!

THEY are playing the game of REVERSE WHATABOUTISM!

That is to say…

THEY know Trump is a SCUMBAG when it comes to women,


but what about Cuomo?

Trump has had over twenty-five women accuse him of sexually inappropriateness, yet he has not been made to pay!

Trump said “Grab Them By The Pussy” on TAPE

Trump is accused of, and being sued for RAPE!

Trump is a known friend Of the late Jeffrey Epstein

Trump screwed a PORN STAR while his wife was having his baby

Trump had sexual affairs on all three of his wives, and at least two of them before he divorced them

Trump bragged that he “moved on her like a BITCH” even though she was married because he wanted to “fuck her!”

Trump frequently calls women UGLY

Trump still objectifies women and rates them  by numbers

Trump casually walked-in on young women in various states of undress at beauty pageants (just because he could, but mostly because he liked it)

Trump called his own daughter a “nice piece of ass” and said he could do no wrong as long as he had a young nice looking “piece of ass” beside him.

What Cuomo has done is bad, that is a given.  Eleven women said so.  Cuomo apparently spoke badly to them and may have inappropriately touched some (at least two) of these women.  But he did NOT RAPE them.

What Trump has done is worse, FAR WORSE, yet he has NOT ever been made to pay.


p.s.  And why did Al Franken have to resign from The U.S. Senate, simply because he PRETENDED to grab a sleeping women’s tits long before he was ever elected to the Senate? 

REVERSE WHATABOUTISM!  The Democrats couldn’t get Trump, so they did get Franken, but the Democrats apparently still can’t get Trump so they give him a pass and go after Cuomo instead.  What ABOUT that?

God Bless America!

The 1619 Project is BULL, because Thomas Jefferson (a slaveowner) was AGAINST SLAVERY!  And Thomas Jefferson was from VIRGINIA!  Nowhere is THAT FACT provided in The 1619 Project.

(1776) The Deleted Passage of the Declaration of … – Blackpast › african-american-history

What isn’t widely known, however, is that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in an early version of the Declaration, drafted a 168-word passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was cut from the final wording.

Decades later, in his autobiography, Jefferson primarily blamed two Southern states for the clause’s removal, while acknowledging the North’s role as well.

Why Thomas Jefferson’s Anti-Slavery Passage … – History.com › news › declaration-of-indepe…

What TWO SOUTHERN STATES was T.J. talking about?

South Carolina and Georgia!  NOT Virginia, which The 1619 Project CLAIMS and BLAMES for the beginning and perpetuation of slavery in the United States of America.  (A FALSE claim.)

As the TRUTH comes out, it become MORE APPARENT that The 1619 Project is based on BULLSHIT!  (Mis-truths and omissions.  AKA Lies!)


Jefferson’s Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson’s … › … › Jefferson & Slavery

T.J. wanted black slaves in America to be FREED and sent back to Africa.  To this end the nation of Liberia was created and credited to President Monroe.  Many black Africans, former slaves, were allowed to repatriate Africa by going to Liberia.  THAT IS A FACT!

As Jefferson foresaw, the freeing of black slaves in America (which happened AFTER the Civil War was won by the Union Armies, and many many white people died to make that happen) would create a perpetual division in this country, between blacks and whites.  (Much of that division is due to the racist attitudes of racists in the Deep South against black Americans.)

The 1619 Project does NOT say a thing about any of these FACTS!

That is why The 1619 Project is just more RACIST BULLSHIT!  (Reverse Racism, but RACISM nonetheless.)

As THE FACTS become more readily available, we can see that many of The Founders of THIS COUNTRY do not deserve to be painted with the same brush of racism and The very racist 1619 Project paints them with.


We are what we are.  America is what it is.  America was NEVER an ALL WHITE COUNTRY!  NEVER.  (It was ALL RED way before the white man set foot here.  Then the black and yellow people came.  Then the brown.)

The FACT is that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL in the eyes of God, as it says in our ‘Declaration of Independence’.  And, in our ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ we promise that this is “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL”.  Thus, we promise that all people will be treated equally and fairly at least UNDER THE LAW!

Donald Trump sought to be like the NAZI leader Adolf Hitler and NOT treat people EQUALLY!

The 1619 Project was on the opposite end of the spectrum, and sought to ignore the TRUTH of Jefferson and others in defiance of Trump.

I say, let’s get back to THE BASICS and make this country LIVE UP TO WHAT IT HAS PROFESSED for over two hundred years.  Let us begin to treat ALL AMERICANS EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW, and put an end to all the racist and reverse racist bullshit!

GOD BLESS AMERICA!  (God Damn the traitors!  Traitors including Trump and Hannah-Jones.)