Trump needs HELP from RUSSIANS and NORTH KOREANS! All of them, including Trump, are COMMIES!

Trump, beat Biden?  That’s a laugh!

Donald Trump’s chances of beating Joe Biden in New York, according to polls

There are two reasons why Trump held a rally in the Bronx, panelist says

Trump vows to ‘save’ deep-blue New York City in massive, historic Bronx rally

Trump will “Save New York” like he held all those INFRASTRUCTURE WEEKS when he had his one term!  There can be hundreds of ‘Trump Reasons’, aka more Trump LIES, but he will not beat Biden!  At the RALLY in The Bronx the people chanted “Build The Wall!  Build The Wall!”  Trump has NOT built any wall.  In fact Trump’s buddy Bannon scammed people on THE WALL!  They are SCAMMERS and GRIFTERS, LIARS and THIEVES!  That is all they are!  SCAMMERS and GRIFTERS, LIARS and THIEVES!   All of the Trumps, Trumpsters and Trumpettes! 

Trump is inflating the crowd size at his Bronx rally

Trump ‘crowd’ size for NJ rally likely inflated by 200% to …


Fact-checking 9 things Trump overstated, got wrong in his …

Trump LIES about EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME, to anyone who will listen to him and his LIES!

Trump swaps bluster for silence, and possibly sleep, in his hush money trial

Trumps SLEEPS through his trial.  “LOW ENERGY TRUMP!”

What Happens If Trump Convicted In Hush Money Trial

TRUMP LOSES!   (Trump should GO TO PRISON!) The LOSER!

Tom Cotton Emerges as a Top Pick in Trump’s VP Race

So what was all this BULLSHIT about Trump playing-up to Doug Burgum?

Election 2024 latest news: Trump to address Libertarian Party convention this weekend

Trump BELIEVES he is going to get the Libertarian Vote!  BULLSHIT!  Trump BELIEVES in BULLSHIT!  (That’s not too surprising!)

Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

Well!  Both RUSSIA and NORTH KOREA support TRUMP!

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YOU don't need to know about me. I am not important. I am just a person. YOU do need to know about Jesus. What He was and especially what He was and is NOT. Jesus has become a MONEYMAKER for FAKE TELE-EVANGELISTS and other PROFITEERS who want to make a buck off His name and good works. Whatever Jesus was, and is, the fact is His message is a good one and we all need to know and follow it. Whether YOU believe in Jesus or not, you really should believe in the message He gave us all... "Always Treat Others as YOU Would Want Others to Treat YOU." Some call that "The Golden Rule". No matter what you call it, it's a good rule to live by, and what Jesus tried to teach us all. That is what is IMPORTANT. (Who I am is not important at all.)

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