Trump THE DUMBASS and DUMBASS College Kids!

They give TRUMP too much credit for DECENCY!

‘She’s DOA’: Noem’s dog tale sinks chances of becoming Trump’s VP

Kristi Noem ‘had a shot’ at Trump VP slot before dog-killing boast, sources say

Kristi still could get Trump’s Okey Dokie!  He IS that stupid!

Donald Trump on What His Second Term Would Look Like | TIME

THIS is what a second deal of TRUMP would be like!  Whew!  (Hope we don’t see that!)

‘Surprising’ and ‘disturbing’: Legal experts react to Supreme Court arguments on Trump’s immunity claim

and.  if that wasn’t BAD ENOUGH!  (Really hope Trump is CONVICTED!)

Judge in hush money trial threatens Trump with jail after holding him in contempt for violating gag order

TRUMP SHUTS UP!  Who else needs to SHUT UP?  The DUMBASS COLLEGE KIDS!  That’s who!

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!


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YOU don't need to know about me. I am not important. I am just a person. YOU do need to know about Jesus. What He was and especially what He was and is NOT. Jesus has become a MONEYMAKER for FAKE TELE-EVANGELISTS and other PROFITEERS who want to make a buck off His name and good works. Whatever Jesus was, and is, the fact is His message is a good one and we all need to know and follow it. Whether YOU believe in Jesus or not, you really should believe in the message He gave us all... "Always Treat Others as YOU Would Want Others to Treat YOU." Some call that "The Golden Rule". No matter what you call it, it's a good rule to live by, and what Jesus tried to teach us all. That is what is IMPORTANT. (Who I am is not important at all.)

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